DBC Phase 1, Day 0
A promise: I will write what I learn every day. For you, the reader, who’s interested in keeping up with my journey through DBC. For you, the potential student who wants to know exactly what happens in this program and if it would be the right choice for you. For you, my current cohort, who just want to read and solidify your understanding of the day’s concepts. For you, my future contemporaries in the tech world. And for me, because when I write what I know, I remember it, and when I teach it, it becomes ingrained in my memory.
Tomorrow, Dev BootCamp onsite begins. This is our ‘Phase 1’ of the program, which will last for three weeks. Phase 0 was everything we did at home leading up to this point.
I’m experiencing lots of emotions right now, namely fear, excitement, unease, determination, fear, fear, fear… etc. I’m worried about how I’m going to do, what we’ll be working on, whether I’ll be able to understand everything at the right pace. I’m not going to let my fear keep me frozen, though. I plan to use that fear as a motivator for not backing down, making sure I push extra hard to comprehend everything.
Which brings us back to the promise I made above. I may have to stay up a little later than normal to get everything written down, and what I do write may not always be mind-blowingly interesting, but it will be important for me to get every bit of it down in all of its messy glory.
Here we go. My name is Edwin Unger, and I’m a web developer in training.