DBC Phase 3, Day 12
Our little weather app is really starting to come together. We’ve built this awesome one page site that uses jQuery to slide in pages from different directions, so each slider will have different graphs that compare the weather of two different cities. I’m sort of working on adding a section that gives other information about the city, including activities, restaurants, pictures, etc. It’ll be nice if it comes together, but the core feature of the site is the weather.
We’re really diving into the D3 graphs now. Two of the graphs are very similar, which are the Actual temp and the Perceived temp. Different data, but duplicating the graphs will be easier. The other graph measures the Daylight, so you can see a nice ‘bubble’ effect in June and July when the daylight hours are longer.
I spent a large portion of the day working with one of my teammates on loading the graphs and resetting them with each click. We were having a bug where one graph would be loaded, but each time we refreshed, the old graph would still be there with a new graph pasted on top of it. We also realized that the API call to the back-end takes about 3 seconds to load all of the data into the graphs, so we had to figure out a way to clear the old data away and immediately load the new data while taking a minimal amount of time. We eventually got it going at a much faster pace, but as I said, it took a large portion of the day.
Tomorrow is feature freeze, which means we can’t add anything new to the app after 6pm. We have no new features that we want to insert, just finishing touches on the functionality of the site.
Until tomorrow, I’m Edwin Unger and I’m a junior web developer.