DBC Phase 3, Day 15: Final DBC Post
Today was incredible. We were the first to present this morning, and everything went smoothly. I felt confident in our group and what we had to deliver. We kept the time short enough, and there were a few questions about how the app worked, so it was nice that there was interest.
I’d seen all of the presentations already, but it was cool to watch everyone share the projects they’ve been working on for the past nine days. There are seven apps in all, and they all look really polished and impressive. I’d love to see some of these go into actual production, but I’d also like to see some of the pitches that didn’t make it get turned into apps.
After presentations, We had lunch. Some of us went to grab a celebratory drink afterwards, which was enjoyable. I don’t drink, but it was still nice to relax as a team. We got back in time for another chat with the Careers team, which was mainly about preparing for next week’s Career Week.
We had some time to kill before graduation, so we checked in on the Phase Two Final Projects and assisted some of the Phase One students with their challenges.
We also took a cohort field trip, but I’m sworn to secrecy, so you’ll find out only if you are a DBC student or if you ever become a teacher there. Suffice it to say that it was not what any of us expected, but well worth the surprise.
Graduation was really fun. For the past few days, we’ve been allowed to add ‘boot badges’, which are basically senior superlatives, to each of our cohort-mates’ pages. Most were funny, several were heartfelt. I ended up with ‘the wise bearded one’, among several others, so I’m happy.
We were each given dog tags (it’s a bootcamp, after all). Here’s mine:

We had one last check-in with our cohort before heading out to celebrate. It was touching to reminisce about the program and the relationships we’ve formed here. It was a good way to end the day, and the program.
Weekend plans include relaxing, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do much of it. I want to get started on building a new app, update my resume, LinkedIn, and all of my other job site profiles, and get ready for Career Week.
This will be my last post for a little while. I’ll need to spend my time looking for a job, working on projects, preparing for interviews. I would love to say that I’ll keep writing about this whole process until I actually land a job, but I don’t want to make any promises.
And really, I’ve accomplished exactly what I set out to do. I wanted to write for every day of DBC, and I did. I wanted to share with the reader everything I learned and felt and experienced during my time here, and I did.
The promise I made when I first arrived in SF: I will write what I learn every day. For you, the reader, who’s interested in keeping up with my journey through DBC. For you, the potential student who wants to know exactly what happens in this program and if it would be the right choice for you. For you, my current cohort, who just want to read and solidify your understanding of the day’s concepts. For you, my future contemporaries in the tech world. And for me, because when I write what I know, I remember it, and when I teach it, it becomes ingrained in my memory.
I kept my promise, and I hope whatever group you fit into, you found some use in this blog.
My name is Edwin Unger. I’m a junior web developer and a graduate of Dev BootCamp.